Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Next High-End Windows Phone Device Possibly Spotted


It has been quite a while since a proper high-end Windows Phone smartphone was released. Microsoft has said time and again that one is coming later this year but so far it has offered no information about this device. The company has instead been pursuing a strategy of pushing low-end and mid-range devices but the community has been pressing it to launch a proper flagship as well. It appears that one has been spotted.

A device codenamed RM-1085 has been spotted in data from AdDuplex and it's believed that this might possibly be the high-end device that Microsoft has been referring to.

Not much is known about the RM-1085 right now but it appears to have a 5.7 inch full HD display and runs on Windows 10, the new OS that's going to go live later this year.

Windows 10 for Phones is currently in beta stage and Microsoft has frequently been rolling out new builds for people who are testing the new software before it is publicly released.

Since that's due to happen later this summer the possibility exists that Microsoft might launch this device around the same time, nothing is known for sure right now though, it's mere speculation.

Microsoft's BUILD conference is also around the corner, perhaps the company might talk about its hardware plans at the event.

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