Friday, November 6, 2015

German Lumia Twitter account tweets a November 28th launch date for 950 and 950XL

The latest hint at the launch of the Microsoft Lumia 950 / 950XL comes to us from the official Twitter account of Lumia Deuthschland, offering up one of the earliest launch date scenarios we've seen, November 28th:

The tweet links to Microsoft Germany's Lumia page, with more information on the 950 and 950XL, and links to pre-order pages offering deals from 3rd party sellers.

There still doesn't seem to be a concerted effort to launch the two new devices worldwide, with launch dates listed from late November to mid-December, and no word yet on a launch event or events. We'll be keeping our eyes peeled for all the latest 950 and 950XL news.

Source: German Lumia Twitter account tweets a November 28th launch date for 950 and 950XL

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