Friday, February 5, 2016

Windows Phone sales down by half compared to a year ago

"Businesses everywhere are using the Microsoft Cloud as their digital platform to drive their ambitious transformation agendas", said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in the statement.

Microsoft's growth in the quarter was held back by the strong dollar.

There were a lot of good and bad sides to the results that came out from Microsoft's practices.

The latest cloud revenue figures show a $1.2 billion rise on the previous quarter, which saw $8.2 billion revenue on cloud deals.

Revenue from Azure - Microsoft's platform that sells data- center based computing power and services - more than doubled as customers signed up for pricier offerings that can handle machine learning and process large reams of information.

Microsoft's net income fell to $5 billion, or 62 cents per share, in its second-quarter ended December 31 from $5.86 billion, or 71 cents per share, a year earlier. Phone revenue shrunk 49% in constant currency.

The better than expected results were driven mainly by Microsoft's cloud services division, which reported a 5% year-on-year revenue hike to $6.3bn, accounting for more than a quarter of the company's total revenue.

Microsoft Office 365 consumer subscribers increased to 20.6 million.

Since Microsoft reports its Azure revenue within what it calls the Intelligent Cloud division, it's unclear how much Azure, in particular, raked in; the cloud unit as a whole, however, brought in $6.3 billion, a 5% increase from a year ago. Despite this, the company's long-term focus on cloud computing is paying dividends and the company is making more money from cloud than ever before. Surface revenue was up by almost a third in constant currency, thanks to the launch of the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book.

By the estimates of most analysts, Microsoft comes in second place for the most prominent segment of the market for cloud services, wherein storage and other service are being rented out to clients from data centers, behind Amazon.

To add to its cloud success, Microsoft also recorded a positive jump for its mobile devices business.

As for the company's aggressive promotion of Windows 10, those promotional nudges have drawn a few complaints from PC owners who don't necessarily want to upgrade their software.

(Zika virus) Florida declares emergencyThe symptoms of Zika virus are generally mild, including fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes, according to the CDC . The 21-day waiting period also applies to cord blood and stem cell donors who have travelled to Zika-affected areas.

Source: Windows Phone sales down by half compared to a year ago

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