Previously, the company had apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry only. Now, with access to a desktop version, they have one more reason to use it more often. With this move, Facebook-owned WhatsApp may be targeting the business users, as rumours also suggest that Facebook may be positioning WhatsApp to compete directly with Skype with an upcoming video calling service. Even though it has a web version, the app required users to have their smartphones turned on.
"Today we're introducing a desktop app so you have a new way to stay in touch anytime and anywhere - whether on your phone or computer at home or work". The company stated that similar to WhatsApp Web, the desktop app is basically an extension of the user's phone. The application mirrors messages and conversations from the user's mobile phone.
According to ZDNet, the new desktop application can easily be synced with WhatsApp on a user's mobile device.
Samsung Safety ScreenIf you have a Samsung mobile and your kids have been spending more time using the device, this app would help you protect their eyes. With all messages being sent to a specific device, it will be easier to determine if there are hacking activities.
Internet Radio - PlayTimeThis app re-creates the experience of online radio by providing the user a new way of discovering new music, artists, shows, and radio stations.
In order to log in to the desktop app, users need to use their WhatsApp mobile app first and scan a QR code. Later, users can also view a list of all web and desktop clients that are logged into the user account from the menu. However, it is uncertain that it will receive the same amount of download patronage for the said desktop version. Users can send messages, record voice messages, forward attachments and photos and manage their message history. Because the app runs natively on the desktop, you'll have support of native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts and much more, the blog says. The app was fast and responsive.
A fully cross-platform messaging service with more than 1 billion users world-wide could pose a threat to competitors, especially Apple's iMessage and Microsoft's Skype.
Source: WhatsApp introduces desktop app for Windows and Mac
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