Thursday, August 4, 2016

This developer got Continuum for phones to work on a Lumia 830

Screenshot (101)

Continuum for Phones is a neat little feature that's supported by some of the newest Windows 10 Mobile devices. If you own a device like the Lumia 830, or even the Lumia 930, you won't be able to run Continuum for phones. However, a developer was able to get Continuum for phones to work on his Lumia 830. Before you go ahead and ask how to get Continuum on your phone, don't get your hopes up as this is a very tricky process and can brick your process during the process. Nevertheless, here are some screenshots of Continuum running on the Lumia 830:

As the screenshots show, Continuum for phones works as expected on the Lumia 830. However, I was told that the device often crashed when Continuum was enabled — which is probably why Microsoft didn't bring this feature to old features. Continuum for phones may seem like a small feature, but it is very powerful and it also requires a lot of power to work smoothly.

Once again, this isn't something you can use right now without tweaking your device — and even if it was possible, we don't recommend trying it out unless you're aware with all the issues that can be caused by this.

Source: This developer got Continuum for phones to work on a Lumia 830

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