Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Maybe the Grass Is Greener…

Maybe the grass in greener after all.

As I previously discussed my trusty Lumia 1520 went kaput. Which led to the long arduous search of finding a replacement phone which for a Windows Phone user can become even more of a headache because that can lead you down the path of looking into Android phones and of course the iPhone.

After much deliberation, I passed on all of the above and purchased a used 1520 off of eBay. For the most part, I was happy. Side note: a lot of people provided me with excellence advice on what phone I should purchase to replace my 1520 and I enjoyed the input. With that being said, the iPhone was never an option besides not being a fan of the phone itself which something I could easily overlook I avoid the iPhone because I don't want to be that person and by that person I mean, "guy just get an iPhone, or what I are you waiting for the only phone is the iPhone," which is what nearly every person said nearly recommended the iPhone.

Getting back on point not long after purchasing another 1520. Microsoft and all their wisdom announce that only a small portion of their phones was going to receive the Windows 10 Creators Update and that the Lumia 1520 wasn't going to be one of them. Since that statement, Microsoft has backtracked from the position which they do often when it comes to phones. However, at the time for me, the damage was done, I could no long support a platform that was no longer being supported by the producers of that platform.

Funny how things work as I wondered where to go next I happen to watch the Unpacked event by Samsung and here they announced the Galaxy S8. When my Lumia 1520 first bit the dust the phone I instantly thought about was the Galaxy Note 7 which of course was off the market for being a little to hot 😊

With that being a no go I ventured over to the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, which is a nice phone but is tiny compared to my 1520 so I passed on it but the specs of Galaxy S8+ really caught my attention. So I went and placed my preorder with Best Buy. A couple of weeks later the phone arrived and from the moment I opened the box I was impressed. I will get back to the S8+ and its fabulousness later I promise.

For now, I want to close out my Windows Phone chapter. Anyone that pays any attention to Windows Phone knows that nearly every article that comes out is announcing the death or the death knell of Windows Phone. With of all that and the numerous blog posts, podcasts and articles discussed by people who know a lot about Windows Phone telling the few remaining refuges to abandon ship I still stayed. For me, it was more than just switching to a different Phone OS. Mainly because the only phones I have used were Windows Phone so for me switching is much more than swimming with the latest trend it is Microsoft refusal to do anything for Windows Phone to prove that they are serious about advancing the platform. This isn't about apps or lack of. It's not about inadequate hardware it's about them saying nothing. In a time where Microsoft has released an updated Xbox One and has already planted the seeds for their next cons ole Project Scorpio. Where the Surface Book line has received a major update. The splendor that is the Surface Studio and let's not forget about their latest masterpiece the Surface Laptop.

Nowhere in this time span has nothing been said about Windows Phone that makes sense. Something that you can bank on. Something to let you know that Microsoft believes in the platform. I know they're rumors of what's to come but that doesn't help me now. It doesn't mean anything this year and maybe even the next. With all of that, I figured it was time for me to leave home and venture out on my own. Does that mean I have given up on Windows Phone, not at all I keep my Lumia 1520 and 640 up to date and for the most part most of my evening e-mail is sent from my Lumia 1520. So I will keep my ear to the ground for what comes next for Windows Phone but I and my S8+ will not be sitting around waiting for them to get their act together.

Source: Maybe the Grass Is Greener…

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