Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Nokia Posts The Nokia 8 On Its Chinese Website! Thick Bezels With Front Home Button Present On Smartphone

Well folks. Looks like we've got a design confirmation for the Nokia 8. The smartphone has been a regular part of the rumor mill, which has led to a steady buildup of the hype train. The Finnish brand, under HMD Global's leadership made a strong impact with the Nokia 6 in Eastern markets. However, as we all know, you're not taken seriously in the mobile world unless you've got a flagship smartphone. And right now, looks like the Nokia 8 will be the device from HMD's end. For the device's official render, take a look below.

Looks like we're going to have a new entry in the flagship smartphone world soon. It's Nokia folks and the company finally seems to have found its right track. Its troubles started with the iPhone and the dawn of the smartphone era. Since then, Nokia was believed by many to be a lost cause. It was soon acquired by Microsoft, which resulted in the Lumia lineup. However, as time unfolded. Redmond learned that users simply do not want the Windows experience on their gadgets.

After Microsoft wrote off Nokia, it was acquired by HMD and now it's on the right path. A lot of folks eagerly await the Nokia 8, as the smartphone world is becoming increasingly bipolar. It's either Apple or Samsung for the top spot, with Google now trying to carve up some space for itself. That being said, the Nokia 8 is expected to be launched today. Now, the company has listed the smartphone on its Chinese website.

Judging the image, looks like all those leaks by Evan Blass were exactly on point. The Nokia 8 will not follow the flagship smartphone world's current trend of bare minimum bezels. Instead, you'll get the regular old bezels, with the Nokia branding at the top right of the device. While most sources expect that the smartphone will feature Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835, that might not be the case. Out of the two expected Nokia device, it's the Nokia 9 which will be the true flagship according to our sources.

In fact, a recent leak pegs the Nokia 8 with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 600 series. But given the nature of these things, it's unwise to take anything as set in stone prior to launch. Other specifications for the smartphone include 4/6GB RAM, 64GB internal storage and a 5.3 inch display. The smartphone's major selling point will be its camera, as all the recent leaks point towards Carl Zeiss lenses making it on the smartphone. If this does bear fruit, then expect a new era for smartphone photography. Thoughts? Let us know what you think in the comments section below and stay tuned. We'll keep you updated on the latest.

Source: Baidu

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Source: Nokia Posts The Nokia 8 On Its Chinese Website! Thick Bezels With Front Home Button Present On Smartphone

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