Friday, August 11, 2017

Windows Phone, iPhone Losing Ground in Several Top Markets

​It's not a surprise that Windows Phone is declining with every single day, but new data provided by Kantar reveals that Microsoft's mobile platform wasn't the only one going down in several top markets.

Specifically, data for the three months ending May 2017 shows that Windows Phone and Apple's iOS dropped in terms of share sales in the United Kingdom, France, and China, while rival Android posted a substantial increase in all these markets.

In Germany, for instance, while iOS posted a 0.5% increase to reach 15.6%, Microsoft's Windows collapsed 3.5 points to 2.1%, with Android remaining the king of the castle with no less than 8.19%. The same thing in France, where both Microsoft and Apple lost points, this time by 2.7% and 2.8%, respectively. Android is the leading choice here with 80.5%, followed by iOS and Windows with 18.1% and 1.2%, respectively.

Overall, in the EU5 region Android dominated the 3-month period with a 2.8% increase to reach 79.5%, while iOS was the runner-up with 18.4%, up 0.2%. Windows Phone, on the other hand, declined 2.8% to 1.8%.

Android declining in the US

In the United States, Apple's platform is the one that improved during the said period, growing 4.7% to 34%, while Android actually declined 3.7% to 64.8%. This means that Android sold nearly twice more phones than Apple, and Samsung was obviously the top performer, as it became the number one smartphone company in the United States.

Windows Phone, on the other hand, dropped nearly everywhere, with just one exception: Spain. In this market, Microsoft's mobile operating system somehow increased 0.4% to 0.6%.

The biggest collapse for Windows phones versus 2016 was recorded in the United Kingdom where it dropped no less than 3.7%. At this point, the lower share for Windows is in Japan where it's currently at 0 percent, according to Kantar's data.

Kantar sales share data for the 3 months ending May

Kantar sales share data for the 3 months ending May

Source: Windows Phone, iPhone Losing Ground in Several Top Markets

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