Saturday, December 16, 2017

What the future of Windows 10 will look like. #AskDanWindows Episode 35

On this week's episode, I take questions on what the future of Windows 10 looks like, including phones, and whether we'll ever see a UWP version of Windows Explorer.

Audience questions for Episode 35
  • Can Windows 10 ARM-based devices make phone calls & text messages just as Windows phone? - Dharma teja1

  • Will Microsoft release a full version of Windows 10 for phones - Donovan / Which Windows OS will MS future Courier based device will use? - Dharma teja1

  • Can we expect a new UWP explorer?? or a re-skinned Explorer UI that will fit in with Windows 10 design? - Brandon T

  • Further reading and referenced articles

    Thanks, everyone, for the questions! Make sure to use Twitter, email, or our forums to ask me your question for next week!

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    Hate using email? Join me on our #AskDan Forums at Windows Central! I'll occasionally jump in there to try and answer questions or take ideas for new episodes of our web series.

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    You can also find previous episodes of #AskDanWindows here on the main landing page.

    Source: What the future of Windows 10 will look like. #AskDanWindows Episode 35

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