Monday, July 4, 2016

Service handles robocalls for you

Q. I heard you mention a way to stop robocalls on your national radio show. I was unable to write it down at the time. Help! I am so tired of these calls!

A. The service I spoke of is called Nomorobo. It lets the phone ring once and then identifies the caller. If the caller is a robot telemarketer, it automatically hangs up for you. It also blocks robotic calls people report as illegal, so you won't miss a doctor's appointment reminder, work call or weather alert. If you are looking for a way to also identify unknown numbers and block spam calls on your Apple, Android or Windows phone, go to for an app that really works.

Share Wi-Fi without password

Q. My undisciplined grandson is spending time with me over the summer. My Wi-Fi password is the same as my Windows login password. I don't want him to have the password. Is there a way that I can let him use the Wi-Fi network on his phone without me giving him the password?

A. There is an innovative solution. You can give him a QR Code that he will scan with his phone. It's a secure shortcut with your password hidden inside it. Basically, he will scan the QR Code instead of typing in your password to access the Wi-Fi network. It's pretty easy so long as you know how. Visit for the instructions and the links you need.

Find the exact location of any phone

Q. I am curious how apps know where I am located. Is it only through my phone's GPS? I turn off my phone's GPS and the apps still know!

A. Your cell provider has another way of tracking your location, and anyone can get that information for a price, even if you use a cellphone that isn't smart. The way your cell provider tracks you is through cellular towers. It knows what towers are in range of your phone and, of course, it knows where the towers are located. The accuracy depends on the provider and how many towers are nearby. Go to to try a site where you can see where any phone is located using the same service carriers and app developers use.

Q. I always see links to websites that are shortened on Twitter. How do you to that? It sure would save space on my Tweets!

A. To create this link, you can go to a free link shortening site called With Bitly, you simply paste your link into the shortener and a shorter link will be generated in seconds. You also can create a free account to keep track of each shortened link you create. This is beneficial because Bitly then tracks the traffic, and you can see how many people clicked your link. Other services like Bitly include and Google's URL shortener. For more tips, take a few seconds to follow me at @KimKomando.

Search to find deals on Craigslist

Q. You were talking about using Craigslist on a recent TV appearance. I was most interested in the words to use to score the best deals. Can you please tell me what the words are?

A. Simply searching for couch or TV isn't always going to find you the best deal. You really want to use specific keywords that people use in their ads when they're getting rid of items at a serious discount. Examples include hurry, moving, divorce and everything must go. One particular phrase also seems to work. That is, "Wife hates it."

Kim Komando hosts the nation's largest talk radio show about consumer electronics, computers and the Internet. To learn more visit Kim's website at

Source: Service handles robocalls for you

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