Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Microsoft Explains How It Plans to Make Windows Phones Successful

#Microsoft #Windows10 – Microsoft Explains How It Plans to Make Windows Phones Successful : Microsoft is often accused of leaving Windows phones behind and focusing on other platforms, including those that do not belong to the company, as it's the case of Android and iOS, but according to Terry Myerson, this is not at all the case.

The Microsoft Executive Vice President of Windows and Devices explained in an interview with ZDNet that Redmond's strategy is not about growth and mostly comes down to what he calls technical strategy, adding that ARM chips are one of the company's key focuses in this market.

Windows Phone has collapsed below the 1 percent market share, getting closer to BlackBerry and not to Android and iOS as everyone hoped a few years ago, but Terry Myerson says that improving the share is not the actual strategy of the company.

"Technically, there are really two things that are unique about Windows Mobile. One is cellular connectivity and the other one is the ARM processors that are there. And I think both cellular connectivity and ARM processors have a role in the technical landscape of the future," Myerson said.

"So we're going to continue to invest in ARM and cellular. And while I'm not saying what type of device, I think we'll see devices there, Windows devices, that use ARM chips. I think we'll see devices that have cellular connectivity."

Source: Microsoft Explains How It Plans to Make Windows Phones Successful

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