Friday, April 14, 2017

New Figures Show There’s No Chance Windows Phone Will Recover Anytime Soon

New data provided by Kantar for the 3-month period ending February 2017 indicates that Windows phones continue their collapse in terms of new smartphone OS sales share, while Android remains the leader though it also recorded a small decline in some markets.

As far as Windows phones are concerned, they lost ground in early every single country, and Europe, which has always been a very successful region for Microsoft's mobile platform, makes no exception.

In Germany, for example, Windows dropped from 6.3 percent to 3.3 percent, experiencing a decline of 3.3 percent, while in the United Kingdom, the collapse reached 4.1 to bring the platform down to just 2.1 percent sales share. The biggest fall was recorded in France where it reached 5 percent, so Windows phones now account for only 2.4 percent of new phones sold in the country.

Overall, things are not going very well for Windows phones in the EU5 region, as Microsoft currently accounts for only 2.7 percent sales share here, while Android is number one and very far ahead with 75.2 percent.

No growth in the rest of the world either

The same thing happened in the United States as well, where Windows phones also lost 0.9 percent versus the same period of 2016, dropping from 2.6 percent. This comes as no surprise though, since Apple was expected to record the best performance given the fact that it launched the new iPhone 7. iOS grew 3.7 percent to 42 percent, while Android lost 3 percent to 55.9 percent.

China, which is currently one of the largest markets worldwide, isn't bringing good news for Microsoft either, as its platform dropped to 0.2 percent during the said timeframe. No less than 86.4 percent of the sales went to Android, up to 9.3 percent.

Unfortunately, these figures show there's no chance for Windows phones to recover anytime soon, and certainly not with Microsoft remaining so tight-lipped on everything mobile. There's no word on what's going to happen next with Windows phones, so it's no surprise that most people go for Android and iPhones.

Source: New Figures Show There's No Chance Windows Phone Will Recover Anytime Soon

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