Monday, May 22, 2017

5 things Windows 10 Mobile converts will hate about iPhone

The current state of Windows 10 Mobile is disheartening, and it is forcing a lot of users to switch to competing platforms like Apple's iOS.

We recently covered the top 5 things Windows 10 Mobile users would love about Apple's OS, but the other side of the fence isn't all colorful and happy.

iOS has its quirks and design choices which may be huge deal-breakers for some users. Some things take getting used to and some are simply hard to get comfortable with.

5 things Windows 10 Mobile converts will love about iPhone

1. Apple

While it's possible to install third party services from Microsoft or other companies like Google, it doesn't replace the built-in apps Apple offers. This is just one of the many things that are part of Apple's "walled garden." If you buy an iPhone, you're pretty much forced to have something to do with Apple. You need n Apple ID in order to make sure the device works as expected, some apps do not have a Microsoft competitor, like Safari, or there are settings which Apple doesn't allow you to change.

Apple is extremely restrictive in their methods of maintaining their system. Some users tend to complain that Windows 10 Mobile is restrictive, as it doesn't offer a way to change the default apps without hacking the registry, but iOS is on a whole different level, in a negative way. You won't be able to fully integrate Microsoft services into iOS as you can with Windows 10 Mobile and Android, and since Microsoft's ecosystem is one one of the main reasons some people choose Windows, this may be a deal-breaker for you.

Using an iPhone in the Microsoft ecosystem

2. The design

The Apple Human Interface is a very controversial subject in the Windows world. Some people hate it, and some love it. However, many seem to consider iOS to be ugly or too bright, and there is a big possibility that you're one of those people. iOS doesn't include a dark theme either, which Windows phone fans have learned to love.

A dark theme is something that has been requested for a very long time but there are no indicators of anything like this making it's way soon, so don't hold your breath.

3. The lack of Universal Windows Apps

As a Windows 10 Mobile user, odds are you use Windows 10 on your PC. Being able to run the exact same apps on your PC and your phone is an awesome thing. This is not something you'll be able to do with the iPhone.

Obviously, the iPhone cannot run Windows Store apps, and even though many apps you'll find on the App Store may be for the same service as those you use on your PC, the UI and the experience are vastly different. Buttons are placed in completely different parts of the app, labels are either different or gone completely and the design itself doesn't feel consistent with the desktop apps. You won't be able to leverage session handoffs via Project Rome, enjoy synchronized login details between UWP apps on your PC and phone, and fewer apps will be integrated with Cortana.

The only apps that are actually consistent with the desktop variants are Microsoft's Office apps for iOS. Other than that, you'll need a slight learning curve and getting used to every app you download.

4. iTunes

This issue may get less annoying after iTunes hits the Windows Store, but iTunes is a very unpleasant piece of software on Windows, and the macOS variant isn't much better. If you get an iPhone, you will need this program to manage your device with your PC.

iTunes is slow, buggy, and every time you connect your iPhone to your computer, it installs a separate app called "Apple Software Update" which installs other Apple programs on your computer without you asking for it.

iTunes has received a lot of hate through the years, and that's definitely not surprising. There is no storage alternative you can access from the Windows File Explorer or MacOS Finder to move your files to the phone. iTunes also takes up a lot of storage as it tries to sync and backup your iPhone everytime it's connected, no matter if you want it or not. These things can mostly be disabled, but it takes time and effort to do so, especially iTunes' unintuitive UI.

5. The headphone jack.

The latest "and greatest" iPhone doesn't include a headphone jack. This may sound ridiculous, but it's true. While Apple is known for removing essential ports from their devices, this takes the prize. If you get the latest iPhone, you'll have to deal with adapters and dongles, no matter if you want it or not.

You'd be surprised how many times this removal can affect you. Imagine going out with a friend to the park; you have a speaker with you which is driven by an AUX cable. Their phone dies, but you have yours with you, so you want to put on some music, but you can't because you forgot the Lighting Port to AUX adapter at home. The same goes for things like "passing around the AUX cable in the car".

This, unfortunately, doesn't include only headphones and AUX cables. There are many accessories out there that depend on the headphone jack, and they become useless if you use the newest iPhone.

The iPhone is a good device, but it has its quirks. Some of these may be huge deal-breakers for some and staying with Windows 10 Mobile or going with Android may be a much better and a much more satisfying option.

Did you switch to iOS from Windows 10 Mobile? What do you miss? Let us know in the comments.

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Source: 5 things Windows 10 Mobile converts will hate about iPhone

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